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Accompanying you to well-being


In individual sessions I tune into your voice and breathing, your body language and structure, your energy field as well as your emotional and mental constructs. As practical tools I use physical work, energetic healing and/or emotional counseling.


A session begins wherever you ‘are’, and, together, we create a safe space in which you can discover open doors you perhaps had not previously been aware of. A state of deep relaxation can occur, in which blocked energy – fear, tension, pain – releases.


It is usually not enough to simply understand why one is in pain (because of a childhood trauma perhaps); change happens when we experience something that is much deeper than intellectual understanding. Significant and lasting change happens when there is an integrative whole body-mind experience that includes bringing into the conscious awareness how you are ‘participating’ in whatever discomfort or dis-ease is manifesting.


I also offer one-on-one coaching sessions for those looking for greater ease and effectiveness in their profession or within the context of a team or organization. See Health for Organizations.


For sessions via telephone or Zoom (English/ German translation available on request), please contact David Crean directly. See Contact.


For sessions in person, please see Schedule and contact the organizer.


Further information:

Katrin Unterberg

Tel: +49 (0) 2772 92 47 40

Mob: +49 (0) 171 21 16 865



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