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"Play" - a Body Resonance workshop
Healing Field Workshop

Healing Field Online

Open Evenings
Drop In (Open Evenings Online)
Retreats (2024 retreats available online)

The Gathering

Schedule Overview and Prices 2024 PDF (171Kb)

Schedule Overview and Prices 2025 PDF(71Kb)


A Body Resonance workshop

The roles we play are intimately connected to how we see ourselves, and our actions are reflected by this ‘picture’. We act according to our view of ourselves in the world and this picture can change according to the situation we are in. Have you considered that we are living in a piece of theatre, we just don’t know it!?


In a safe and supportive space this workshop invites participants to bring consciousness to the play. Drawing on elements of theatre work and family constellation, you’ll explore a variety of roles, some of which you wouldn’t normally dare to inhabit. You’ll also be guided to discover unconscious roles, and to enact them consciously.


Here is a chance to play the parts of yourself (or someone else!) not simply for the joy of it, but also as a healing process. Most of us have forgotten how to play: it is, in fact a critical aspect of well-being and growth, at all ages.


Participants will either bring a specific issue to look at, or we’ll work with what arises within the group. Through role playing, perhaps guided by archetypes, we have the opportunity to find out what’s clear, bring clarity to what is not readily visible and discover ease through releasing what has been held and is no longer needed.


How would you like to play your life?


Participants are asked to bring a few elements which can be used in the workshop (props, costumes, anything that comes to mind, or to hand, really!). Participation is open to everyone.




Further information:
Katrin Unterberg
Tel: +49 (0) 2772 92 47 40
Mob: +49 (0) 171 21 16 865


Healing Field Workshop

Healing Field Workshop

An immersive experience re-connecting yourself to your innate health and well-being

Do you want more ease and abundance in your life, your work, your relationships? Do you seek physical and mental well-being? Do you wish for a renewed sense of aliveness?


When dealing with stress and challenges, we often overlook the fact that our physical body is connected to our thoughts and emotions, as well as to our beliefs and worldviews.


The Body Resonance approach perceives the body as a resonating space that reflects internal and external stimuli in the form of vibrations. Through guided meditations, practical exercises and focussed dialogue we can become aware of these vibrations and regard their interplay as a kind of symphony. We become aware of a deeper harmony where there is room for a re-orientation of mind and body; first in ourselves and finally with all that is.


In the Healing Field workshop we explore these connections and our unique relationship to an ‘essential’ health or balance that is aligned with all of nature’s natural impulse to thrive.


 “A wonderful break filled with meditation, conversation, growth and development. Soothing, stirring, deep with lasting effects. I'm really surprised how connected we were as seminar participants. ~ Susanne Burzel


A healing field is an alive open space in which there is an ever-flowing stream of possibilities. Entering this space is like finding a clearing in the forest where the light shines through. We can perceive the darkness of the forest balanced in the light of the clearing and become aware of a greater whole-ness.


The Healing Field workshops are experiential, practice-oriented and include meditations, sound work and energy work. You will be immersed in a regenerative energy and will come away refreshed and with practical tools to apply in your own life.


No previous experience is required to participate; practitioners and laypeople are equally welcome. This weekend workshop is open to anyone seeking balance, peace and a new beginning for themselves through the nourishing power of the "field".



Further information:
Katrin Unterberg
Tel: +49 (0) 2772 92 47 40
Mob: +49 (0) 171 21 16 865


Healing Field Online
An immersive experience at home

A ‘healing field’ is no less powerful online. There are even some advantages; no need to travel. There is a distinct difference; participating in the Healing Field workshop online means that you have the experience of putting the work into practice immediately. It means that any obstacles or difficulties you encounter at home can be addressed during the times in which we meet.


 “I never imagined that such a powerful "healing field" could be established via Zoom … a really wholesome experience which I am really grateful for.” ~ Volker Nies


There will be a morning and afternoon session. During the day participants have the opportunity to engage in activities set during the morning session.


The Healing Field online workshops are experiential, practice-oriented and include meditations and energy work. There is space for participants to explore personal issues and challenges that arise in daily life.


“I was amazed how well it worked with Zoom. I find it very helpful to experience my everyday life in a different way connected to "Body Resonance" through this digital form.” ~ Birgit Müller


No previous experience is required to participate; practitioners and laypeople are equally welcome. This online weekend workshop is open to anyone seeking balance, peace and a new beginning for themselves through the nourishing power of the "field".


The workshop is live via Zoom.




Further information:
Katrin Unterberg
Tel: +49 (0) 2772 92 47 40
Mob: +49 (0) 171 21 16 865


Healing Field Online
Open Evenings

Open Evenings

Experiential evenings introducing you to David and his work

An evening of exploration in which a space is created to experience profound connectedness. When we are simply present, fully inhabiting this moment without distraction, a sense of inner peace arises. From this openness, compassion for ourselves and others follows.


The free-form of the evening – which might include discussion, a talk, exercises and/ or meditation – is guided by what manifests in the resonant field of the group, each individual member contributing to the unique harmonic resonance of the whole.


Whatever happens… the evening offers deep experience and possibly a new and more supportive perspective to take into everyday life.




Further information:
Katrin Unterberg
Tel: +49 (0) 2772 92 47 40
Mob: +49 (0) 171 21 16 865


'Drop In' (Open Evenings Online)

A chance to introduce you to David and his work and to explore connectedness from wherever you are.

While we cannot have physical contact during these events, the energetic connections are at least as powerful. The online event is another possibility to come together and find the support you seek.


Valuable and enriching. I am touched by the virtual space [just] as in a conventional seminar. David's presence and his power can be felt in the same way, as are the changes that I perceive in myself… wonderful that I can participate without any travel time.”

~ Elisabeth Zerlauth-Danner

'Drop In's are live via Zoom.




Further information:
Katrin Unterberg
Tel: +49 (0) 2772 92 47 40
Mob: +49 (0) 171 21 16 865

Drop In


Deep rejuvenation in extraordinary places

Body Resonance retreats offer us a chance to connect with the space between breaths, between sounds and the space between all things. Together we will seek the connection with “all that is”. Putting into practice the principles of Body Resonance, we can encourage opening to a way of authentic being in every aspect of our lives. In this way we will find healing and balance and reawaken our joy for life and our joy for our work.


Time will be spent in group meditations - both indoor as well as outdoor ‘walking meditations’ -  group exercises and interactions on specific issues (these may come up as result of personal discoveries) and in sharing groups.


“The retreat week in England was one of the best weeks of my life. Each day we worked, we were in silence, we laughed and celebrated and this created a deep connection between the participants, which continues to this day. It was quite simply an enrichment.” ~ Dr. Karin Böhler

We will be supported energetically by nature in beautiful settings, and by the particular ‘vibration’ of place. Retreats in the past have been held in England, near Dartmoor National Park, and in Germany in the Bavarian mountains.


"At the Mountain Retreat I felt a lightness and the feeling that I did not have to do anything. The connection to me, to all others, to Mother Earth, to nature, to all that is, was so palpable. It was an intoxicating, sensual experience. My everyday life has become more colorful.” ~ Renate Fuchs


Our retreat on the island of Lesbos was so successful we are planning to return to the Milelja Retreat Center in 2024. In ancient times Lesbos was home to the muse of art and poetry and music. The island and the sea will speak to us and inspire us; it is a place full of magic and the mystery of the goddess. We will invite healing not only for ourselves but also for all those who sense the profound disconnection of our times, and in particular for those who  landed on the island in recent years seeking refuge from war and persecution.


Participation is open to all. However some retreats are specifically for those who have completed at least QM Part 5. In certain cases this limitation can be waived.


Online retreats: see Announcements on Blog & Inspirations page.




Further information:
Katrin Unterberg
Tel: +49 (0) 2772 92 47 40
Mob: +49 (0) 171 21 16 865




The Gathering

The Gathering

A celebration of community and connection

Every two years we come together to celebrate and nurture all our connections: within our own community as well as all the communities that touch our lives. We also acknowledge and affirm our relationship with the Earth and all that is.


This weekend event is an opportunity to meet old friends and perhaps make some new ones. There are group meditations, time for sharing groups, time to sit with each other, meet and develop creative ideas with like-minded people. During the event David leads a ritual with the active participation of everyone. This ritual may include dance, story-telling and music.


Each event is themed. Past themes have included Roots, Giving Back and Exploring ‘us’.


While the Gathering is mainly for those who have attended Body Resonance workshops and courses, we include friends, family, and more recently children (and our animal friends, if the retreat space allows).




Further information:
Katrin Unterberg
Tel: +49 (0) 2772 92 47 40
Mob: +49 (0) 171 21 16 865


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