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Imagining a better World

David Crean

Updated: Jan 22, 2022

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are all well and finding ways to be *with* these challenging times. 2020 is a year that will no doubt be remembered for a pandemic. And, whether we like it or not, we are undergoing great change. How we navigate such periods of disruption depends a great deal on our individual resilience, what wisdom we have gained from previous life challenges and our willingness for ongoing transformation.

We could view this disruption in our lives as part of a process of profound healing. The pandemic and its challenges are offering us a stark choice; we cannot go back to the old normal. If Covid-19 has shown us one thing it’s how deeply connected we all are – not only with each other, but also with nature and everything that sustains us.

If we are to imagine a better world we must be prepared to question all our assumptions and all our beliefs. We need to deepen our listening and our availability to ourselves and each other, now more than ever. How else are we to evolve, to find solutions to the crises of our times?

It is only together that we have any chance to make that which seems impossible a living reality; a sustainable world that can face any challenge, a world honouring the countless interconnections that are the web of life. What we can create is only limited by our imagination.

My own work and teaching with Body Resonance and in particular the Quantum Medicine 3-year course is evolving in response to the changing needs and challenges that face us. I’m very excited to be taking these next steps together, with you.

In September we met in Laab for Parts 2 and 4 in the series. This was the first Body Resonance meeting in person since last March. Being able to come together felt very precious. There was an ease and depth in relating between all participants that influenced the work in a profound way. I am grateful to be able to witness what I can only describe as an ‘upgrade’ for everyone. There are hidden gifts to be unwrapped and shared as we live through these ‘interesting’ times. My strong feeling is that what we explore together in the seminars and retreats - all the Body Resonance events - plays an integral role not only in our individual development but also in healing this unique planet we share.

I am grateful for all the support you have given over the years and I look forward to seeing you soon!

with love,


Note: if there is anyone who you think might benefit from this work, please let them know about Body Resonance and the 3-year course. The work is, of course, not only relevant for practitioners of any kind but also for people in business, or for anyone seeking deep support for change in their lives.


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